
Tobacconist University
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Get Certified:
Certified Master Tobacconist

Certification Type: CMT

The CMT degree is available to all CRT and CST.* Both types of tobacconists must complete a CMT Apprenticeship and make an original academic contribution to TU.

* TU Certification is a privilege you earn, but it can be rescinded without notice for any violation of the Code of Ethics & Standards. TU reserves the right to change the terms and privileges associated with certification at any time and without notice.

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Tobacconist Tip
Part of the joy of luxury tobacco is the emotional component, and eliminating so-called distractions can be tedious. In the end, tasting is work. Regardless, neutrality is important, as even the most experienced tobacconists have enjoyed a cigar with the cigar maker, purchased it, then wondered months later why it did'nt sell or taste as good as the first time they tried it. Even professionals can be emotionally biased!

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