Travel humidors are specifically designed to transport cigars. Some are built to float or withstand extreme weight, while others are miniature versions of desktop humidors without any bells and whistles. The most technically extravagant travel humidors have an extremely tight seal which requires an air valve to allow depressurization after airplane travel. These travel humidors tend to require very little water to maintain humidity since they are hermetically sealed. Other travel humidors are designed simply to be compact and convenient vehicles for cigar transportation. The most important feature of any travel humidor may be the interior cushioning which will keep your cigars and wrappers protected. In the end, your specific needs will determine which travel humidor is right for you.
Ultimately, any humidor purchased from a reputable tobacconist should do its job, regardless of price. 70° F and 70% RH inside of a piece of Tupperware has the same effect as 70° F and 70% RH inside a beautiful, handcrafted humidor made from Bubinga or Cocobolo wood. Tupperware may suffice, but the quality and craftsmanship of a superior handmade humidor should be commensurate with the quality of the cigars that you are caring for. If you invest in an extraordinary humidor, you can expect a lifetime or more of reliability and peace of mind.
The most common type of humidor is the desktop; any humidor which can sit on a counter top and take up minimal space can be considered a desktop humidor. Desktops are usually rectangular boxes with lids and humidifiers that attach to the lid. While quality and aesthetics will vary greatly, this section should help you appreciate the depth and breadth of this product category.
A walk-in humidor is any room that is temperature and humidity controlled for the purposes of storing cigars. Please visit our Walk-in Humidor FAQ, if you would like to learn how to build one.
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