The greatest cigar tobacco growing regions on earth are in flat valleys surrounded by hills and/or mountains: examples include the Cibao River Valley [Dominican Republic], Jamastran Valley [Honduras], Jalapa [Nicaragua], Connecticut Valley [U.S.] and the Vuelta Abajo Region [Cuba].
The topography of a valley allows the tobacco plant to benefit from:
1. Nutrient Erosion: Over time, with the aid of gravity, nutrients deep within the soil erode down surrounding mountains and into [what becomes] nutrient rich valley soil.
2. Condensation Irrigation: The unique nature of valleys allows condensation to form in the mornings and at night. This subtle form of hydration is very beneficial to tobacco plants.
3. Sunlight Manipulation: Different types of tobacco require varying degrees of sunlight. The natural structure of valleys can help control the quality and quantity of sunlight. In general, tobacco plants require 8 hours of light per day.
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